Monday, March 30, 2009

Boston Show Recap

Dan and I hopped in a rental car Saturday and made the trek up to Boston to play Precinct in Somerville. It was a beautiful day for the drive, and one of the highlights was listening to the CD of Teeth of Mammals. They are an amazing band from Reading, Pennsylvania taht we played with when we played Philadelphia many moons ago. I really dug their set and was psyched to pick up their full-length CD and their new (at the time) demo. Dan hadn't heard the CD, so we listened to it and it just blew us away. It has one of the best ending to a CD I've ever heard, with a great song that brings the whole album to a thunderous, complete finale.

We got to Somerville a bit early so after checking out the stage we walked up to a comic book store and checked it out. There was a really cool dog who lives in the store who was very friendly and came over to have me pet him several times. We then headed over to a Subway sandwich place so Dan could get some dinner.

We sauntered back over to Precinct, which is a really nice bar with a great little stage in the back bar area. We got set up, chatted up some folks who had come out and then took the stage to play. A bit of a rough start with "Jagged Cross," as the mic died somewhere around the first chorus. But James, the bassist for Plumerai, replaced the mic in the break between the first chorus and the second verse, and after that we were good. "Better Lives" and "Into Debt" went particularly well. We also played our first slow song ever, "What We Deserved All Along," live for the first time. I think people were a bit thrown by it, but it seemed like it captured everyone's attention in a way our other songs don't, which was a cool feeling. By the way, the song is slow, not light...we still rock fairly heavily with it, even though the tempo is slower and the melody and vocals are a bit "prettier" than the usual VB fare. "Motherfucker" got a great response at the end, with people emerging from the shadows in my field of vision, dancing up a storm.

The set list:

1. Jagged Cross
2. Kick You Out
3. Sarbanes-Oxley
4. What We Deserved All Along (live debut)
5. Better Lives
6. Into Debt
7. Alien Homeland
8. Binge
9. Motherfucker

After our set the cool Boston band The Daily Pravda took the stage and played several great songs. We had never met them before, a great bunch of guys and really great musicians. They have a new album coming out at the end of May, we wish them all the best with it.

The headliners for the night were our friends in Plumerai, and this was going to be a Plumerai show like no other for us because for a short period we were going to be in it! Martin, the guitarist, asked us to play with them on their crazy-rock-out ending of their song "Avernal" towards the end of their set. Dan and I were game but there was no time to rehearse to we were just going to wing it and hope for the best.

Plumerai's set was just amazing. They started with a brand-new instrumental that blew me away, and then went through a bunch of songs new and familiar. These folks are one of my favorite bands, and it was just a sheer joy to watch and hear them.

Then it was time for our bit, they got to the ending of "Avernal," I pikced up my guitar, Dan went to his snare drum and cymbal, and along with Mark, another guest musician, all eight of us tore the shit out of the song's finale. It was literally one of the highlights of my life, some of the most fun I've ever had playing on stage.

We hung around for a bit and then said good-bye to everyone, headed to the local IHOP with our friends/super-fans John & Theresa, and had some damn good pancakes. We crashed at John & Theresa's place in Watertown, got up bright and early on Sunday, and made the drive back to NYC. All in all, another great trip to Boston.


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We had an AMAZING photo shoot in Brooklyn this past weekend with Mary Lopez, who is also the drummer for the insanely good band Prison Pretty. Mary was incredible to work with and we got some really great shots. We'll be posting them on the website and the MySpace page soon.

We've been booked at PA's Lounge in Cambridge, Mass. for Tuesday, June 23.

We are working on 3 new songs at present in rehearsal, titled 'What We Deserved All Along,' 'Unsolicited Window' and 'Party for Everyone.' We are really digging them and are looking forward to playing them live at some point.

We have been rehearsing like maniacs the next (and final, we think) 4 songs for the new record, which will be laid down this month.

Congratulations to our friends in Goes Cube, who got signed to The End Records last week. Dan saw them give a killer show at Glasslands in Brooklyn last Thursday, and they blew the power no less than 4 times. We wish them all the best as they head out on a killer tour with Valient Thorr.

Between Dan and myself we saw 3 shows at Glasslands last week. I saw Renminbi who gave a great show Monday and blew the power only once (but that's still respectable). Dan saw The Naked Heroes burn it all down on Saturday night, hats off to those crazy fuckers.

I've bought the new U2 record and haven't been able to listen to it enough to know exactly how I feel about it. There are some excellent tracks on it, though.

I've been listening to a live set of The Whores recorded by Jake James (now of Jake James and the Sexual Freedom Riders, and formerly of The Stick, who hosted us all that night) from a show they played with us at Seaside Tavern in Stamford, Connecticut back in Feburary of 2008. I can't stop listening to it, it so rules. I've also been listening to the 4 new tracks they have up on their MySpace page, which also rule.

This Wednesday (tomorrow) night at The Cupping Room Cafe, at 359 W. Broadway in Manhattan, from 7-9pm, VB SuperFan/Mailing-List-Signer-Upper/Free-CD-Giver-Outer, brilliant artist and Dan's girlfriend Isabelle Garbani will be having an opening reception for an art show her work is appearing in.

Good acoustic music and live art this Saturday night at Teneleven in Manhattan this Saturday night, my girlfriend Sarah Valeri's two bands, Kate-Matt-Ben-and-Sarah and Snazz Mammoth, will be performing with some other cool folks. Music starts at 8pm.

That's it for now.