Friday, November 13, 2009

Hammer Meets Fire CD Pre-Release Show

Man, we had a fantastic time last night. Many thanks to Abby B., who put the show together, Lit Lounge for hosting, Dead Stars and Ben Franklin for rocking everyone's asses off and being so super-nice to us, and everyone who came out.

They're thanked in the CD jacket and I thanked them last night...but extra big thank you-s to Isabelle Garbani, who designed the artwork for the CD jacket and all our new merch, which we are so excited about because it all looks so awesome. And to our co-producer Ian Love, who helped make a 12-song record we are so immensely proud of.

The set list:
1. Jagged Cross
2. Make the Escape
3. Nuclear Palin
4. Spin Cycle
5. Into Debt
6. Alien Homeland
7. Binge
8. Motherfucker

Dan and I are also in an exciting new side project, Atomic Shotgun. You can find the band at, and we're also on Facebook. We're playing Don Pedro in Brooklyn on Friday Dec. 11 with Runny, The Naked Heroes and The Whores.

Victor Bravo is now on Twitter. Follow us at victorbravoband. The Victor Bravo Facebook page is under construction and should be available soon. We'll keep you posted of course.

Plans for the biggest Victor Bravo tour yet, to help generate excitement for the release of Hammer Meets Fire in April, are in full swing. Folks in Boston and the Midwest, get ready. In January, we're comin' to you.

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