Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Back to Bashin in Beantown

Hey I created this blog on Blogger/Blogpsot because I'm tired of spending an hour writing a blog on MySpace only to have the damn thing erase it completely! Hopefully this will work out better.

Well, here in the States, Dan and I are pretty excited about the election of our new President-to-be. I wish we could play a show tonight so we could play 'Kick You Out' in Dubya's honor. At least our incompetent stumbler-in-chief inspired the VB songs ‘Make the Escape,’ ‘Final Friend’ and ‘God Bless the USA,’ and McCain’s hapless running mate, aka Bible Spice, inspired our newest tune ‘Nuclear Palin.’ So we managed to carve some good out of all these years of evil that are thankfully now OVER.

Exciting things are happening for us...we are planning to head into the studio this month to record again, hopefully producing at least a new 3 or 4 song EP. AND we're soon going to start work to book a tour out to the midwest in January and/or February. We'll keep you posted on all of that.

This past Saturday we trekked up to Boston, with superfan Sarah tagging along, and played the Black Water Tavern in Quincy, Massachusetts. This was our first time playing this place and everyone involved had a great time. We were entertained by some very colorful, and very DRUNK characters while setting up. These included and older gentleman from the staff who talked to us non-stop although we could not understand a word he said (and it was not a language barrier we were facing there), and even older gentleman walking on two canes who played Buddy Holly songs on the jukebox in an effort to keep us from playing (missed the logic of how that would work), and a positively ancient (and VERY drunk) lady who asked me if we took requests. When I told her we didn’t (I figured she didn’t own a copy of Sky Full of Messages) she left the club immediately. Probably for the best.

Once we kicked off the show, though, the rock took over and the fun began. Our Boston Street Team co-captains John and Theresa showed up and moshed the night away with us. The club is kinda small but in a great way. Tucked into a corner we were able to bust out and make some serious noise. Those who showed up seemed to dig us, as well. The set list, for those interested:

1. Make the Escape
2. Nuclear Palin
3. Scary Mary
4. Better Lives
5. The Name Today
6. God Bless the USA
7. Alien Homeland
8. Binge
9. Motherfucker

Unfortunately we were only able to stick around for the very beginning of the set of the band that played after us, The Great Buriers, and we had to miss the entire set of Tara White, the headliners. We apologize to these two bands for having to fly out of there. We're really grateful to Brenda from Tara White for putting that show together and inviting us onto the bill.

We'll probably be doing a show somewhere in Manhattan in December, so stay tuned for time/date/place on that. Now that the election is over, we should have a fair amount of news on radio play and reviews coming up, also. So keep checking in, and as always, keep rockin'.

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